Monday, June 7, 2010

1. sorry folks it's too overwhelming to do the whole prague post right it's still in draft mode.
2. it's been sunny lately. like welcome to summer. have i ever mentioned how much i love summer??? whoa.
3. saw alice in wonderland the other day (don't worry, in english) and it was so good! didn't see that coming. has anyone else seen it?
4. our group here is seriously so great. like all of them are SO fun and we all get along wonderfully. we title ourselves bfffb (best friends forever from berlin)
5. we have basically only a month and a week left in germany. whaaat?! how did that happen. and we only have 2 weeks left of class. man people, where does the time go.
6. realllly craving an ice water right now. like, really.
7. we have had enTIRELY too much ice cream and chocolate this trip. it's honestly been a joke. has ANYONE HEARD OF (or mostly eaten) HAPPY HIPPOS? they are these delicious treats, basically just this yummy treat filled with nutella. NUTELLA. i'm just trying to figure out how i can fill a whole suitcase with all of these treats. i've already begun thinking about it.
8. whoa i'm going to bed. sleepy!

here are some pictures of sunny berlin:

just a day in the park. we were doing some regular old cartwheels and handstands!!
really was a lovely day.
and don't be alarmed by that picture below. even though it looks like kendra is being sucked into space she is actually just in mid air doing a backflip.
nbd she was a gymnast for byu.

just waiting for the bus stop!
below is me, jos, kendra and then tracy

just in a hot and sweaty bus!
these things get toasty when it's warm outside.
we never knew the whole first month we were here!

no worries, just a man on a supersized unicycle juggling swords on a hot summer day.

[love this town.]

1 comment:

Amy said...

wait you have fewer weeks in class left than you have in germany??? so you just get to play for half a month!??! freaking awesome!!!!

and yes, alice. I think of it as Hook and Lord of the Rings combined.

and i love your bloggg and seeing your adventures!!! :) :) :)