Tuesday, May 18, 2010

welcome to palllanddd!

well poland, it really was a great trip.
and for only 7 euros who could pass that up.

now i can pass off the "going to poland in my life time" box that was on my to-do list.
i'm not really sure that it was on my to-do list but if it was, then i finished it.

the city we visited was called, szczecin, stettin in english. it used to be a german town and that was how we were able to get such cheap train tickets here. it was just on the border of poland and germany. it is a port city and so right on the water, which was quite beautiful. 

because we were just barely crossing into poland we understood that we didn't have to bring our passports, our good friend nathan had thoroughly researched this and that was the conclusion. not many of us had passports and when we were nearing the poland border the polizei came to do a passport check! there were only a select few of the students who had their passports so dr. kelling had to talk some sense into them (actually was very sweet and explained to them the situation even though they were grumpy) and then we were allowed to pass. close call Dr. K, close call!

well here are a billion photos.
i mean i could do less but these are all i have to show you the whole country of poland.
so what i'm saying is it's necessary...

the train ride really was beautiful.
i kept trying to get good picture but none of them looked like what i could see with my EYES. i hate when that happens. katie got this one which i think is perfect with the water droplets. they had this yellow alot the whole way there, it was so pretty!

i told you...that 19 cent bread...

we told mustache mike to do his best "i made it to poland" cheer.
here you have it.

and nothing says "i made it to poland" like this picture.

well. good to meet you poland.
i thought you were going to be a little warmer, but this'll do.

haha we had some strong winds so as not to break her umbrella she collapsed it a bit (her umbrella is already having a rough time because when it was in her room at home, while we were packing for germany, kade grabbed it, opened it, and jumped off the bed with it. don't blame him, he thought it was a parachute.) . but naturally still needed rain cover so still opened it a BIT. classy.

first old church

can you read that??

they had incredible buildings in poland.
that was my favorite part.

this time with authentic poland nativer-ites...

the girls! man i'm telling ya. these girls are great.
and no word as to why we're crouching on the left side...

poor jos and her umbrella trouble.
but this is one of my favorite pictures in my life.

more beautiful colors.

on a pole.
in poland.

next we went to a castle that was in the city.

mustache mike was my king.

sweet dr. kelling, our study abroad director.
one of my favorite people in the world.

the last beautiful church.
those old churches, they'll getchya.
so pretty.

one thing's for certain. i was reminded for like the 975738th time this trip that tom's just aren't the best rain shoes. in fact they are straight awful. which leads me to question...what ARE good rainshoes?? do they even exist? well...we won't blame the problem on the shoes, we'll blame it on the weather. the toms have been good to me.

well poland. you were good to me. i had hoped for a sunnier trip but that was fun despite the weather.
until next time.


tori said...

just guess that that picture of joslin with the broken umbrella reminds me of.

and i love the bread in all the pictures. it looks delish.

oh, and poland looks kinds gorgeous. i love the buildings--such great color! man, why don't we have places like that here?!

Amy said...

good rain shoes = rain boots.
since you asked.

and if i could have delicious bread for that cheap i'd be so so fat all the time. mmm. i'm gonna go have toast right. now.

PLUS i'm LOVING the pictures. keep them coming!!! :)