Thursday, May 20, 2010


so painted my nails the other day. clearly trying to imitate color me katie's wonderful nails like here and here. (this katie not to be confused with my real life germany FRIEND katie found here...) she does great things. they turned out pretty fun, i like it. i never thought i would try anything like that because i always imagined myself messing it up horribly. but i mean it took some time but it wasn't even as tricky as you'd imagine. just try it!!

a few days ago my host family was out of the town for 2 days while they went to england so we had some friends over for dinner. the boys were making the dinner (yum spaghetti with peppers in it! peppers, who would have thought!) so we got the nail polish out and had some fun!

we went to institute tonight at the stake center, it was really alot of fun! we have a cultural class with our director, dr. kelling, on thursdays at 4:30 at the stake center that we are required to attend (like...just a regular class, we are getting byu school credit for it) and then we just stay after for the institute. fun to meet all of the other people, there were tons of people there. also after the institute they serve a dinner for only a euro which is greatt. love those cheap delicious meals. (and they have a fußball table so i mean...i'm in.)

mostly this was just an update to say we're alive.
and still loving this country.
we are done with 3 weeks of our 8 week program!
i can't believe that.

[that's just the school part though. then we have a 10 day travel part with the group and then our parents are coming and we're playing with them!]

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