Saturday, May 8, 2010

thanks gmail video chat

it is seriously the best thing in the world having video chat over here.

we've chatted with our family alot and as we previously mentioned really came in handy when we had our electricity issue...we've got alot of other friends lined up for video chats as well, can't wait to talk with them! way better than a phone.

a few photos from our last video chat...

sure do love those biddles.

a few memorable quotes:

when brooks spells justin bieber's name wrong...
syd: no its I then E.
brooks: oh, i'm sorry that i spelled my good friend's name backwards

taylor: have you been to the blog "lesbians who look like jusin bieber?"
jos: of course i have.

after watching the new miley cyrus video.
brooks: she needs to be punched in the face.
taylor: i'm going to kill her. with my bare hands.

taylor again: it's like a sexy big bird.

haha oh man. i mean seriously i can't even handle them.
one of the funniest chats ever.
this has got to become a ritual.

1 comment:

tori said...

i laughed so hard when i read this post. and i was in class at the time. nbd. i mean joslin? really? "of course i have." loved it.

and who is that strange man singing in the first picture?