Friday, May 7, 2010



first day in the real world with real life german people.
kind of a daunting task, yeah?

turns out it was a great thing.
sister beer told me the night before that she would knock on our door when her and her husband were done with the bathroom/shower (we share a bathroom) so she woke me up to shower.  joslin and i both got ready in time which was a bonus, we were nervous about being late or something.  and don't worry they leave 45 min before church begins and they live about 10 minutes away. (my mom would like her!) relief society was first and everyone was SO nice. everyone everyone said hi to EVERY person that came into the door. when a new person came in they made their rounds and shook hands with all of the people who were already in the room. so friendly. most of them soon realized that we spoke very little german and either spoke to us in english if they knew it or tried to speak in german which was always fun :). a few minutes before church began a girl our age came into R.S. and we recognized her as being one of the girls from our study abroad group, from BYU! her name is katie, naturally she came and sat by us, we are now the three american girls who don't understand german. katie's great, good thing we have another friend in the group now!

we had to introduce ourselves in R.S. so i did alot of the talking since i know just a little more german than katie and jos. i just basically said our names, that we are here learning german, and we don't speak very good german, but hopefully we'll learn! hah the funny part was that next they asked if i played piano. i answered in the affirmative and they asked if i'd play for them! apparently none of the sisters knew how to play! so...obviously i was way nervous because i didn't know what the songs were since the titles were in german but i figured i could atleast do the right hand. i went for it and usually recognized the song as being a song that we have in the US as well so i could sort of play both hands after a little bit.

sunday school brother beer taught, i understood next to nothing. luckily katie came here with 2 of her friends from BYU, nick and mike and they are return misisonaries who served missions in Frankfurt, Germany so they understood german really well. we asked them plenty of questions when we were confused.

after sacrament meeting one nice girl came and was talking to us and i could NOT understand her. i understood "spielen,"- to play, and that was basically it. haha we asked nick to translate and she was inviting us to a game night that night! cute. so we told her yeah...but we didn't know where she lived? nor did we know where WE this conversation we told her we lived with the beers...and she said she'd come pick us up. seriously nice. after church i was TIRED, jet lag i think, so we had lunch real quick (it was fast sunday) and then took a nice nap. then our friend Susan came and picked us up! she had walked here so we walked to her place, it's not far which is nice. we had pizza there, she put tuna and corn on it! never seen that before BUT it really wasn't bad. try it?

the game night ended up being REALLY fun. nick, mike, and katie were all there which was GREAT to have some english speakers but then there were 5 or 6 other german kids from the ward who barely spoke english so we played in german. we played "werewolf," it's really similar to mafia. has anyone played it?? it's not a german game or anything. really fun game, i'm gonna need to get it! hah and it was so fun/funny trying to understand the german and trying to say things in german. so now we have new german friends AND new english speaking friends from byu. pretty good for only 2 days yeah?

came home and ended off the night with some bread with different types of meats and cheeses from sister beer. she is always thinking of us, sweet lady. oh, and of course a video chat from the fam to top it all off.

so far i'd say i like this place.

1 comment:

monica said...

OH MY GOSH. I MISS HAVING BREAD WITH MEAT AND CHEESE. that is probably one of the things i miss most. i miss swiss bread and swiss cheese.

how cool you made friends with some german kids! ya they are so friendly there. its a great thing!