Thursday, May 6, 2010

after we arrived in germany

first things first we started unpacking our things into our new room. its a cute little room, not too small, not too big. sister beer collects old collectors dolls as it her broken english she tried to explain a little about some of them. mostly all i understood was that one of them was handmade and that the others were old. very old. (sehr alt. sehr alt. she kept repeating that :)) they were all over the room when we arrived but after i asked if it was alright if i moved one of them over to the side just a tidge to put my makeup bag there she whisked them all away so i would have room on this windowsill to put our things. she's a sweet lady that's for sure!

after we unpacked we sure were tired! we went down and had some dinner and tried to have a converstation. it's hard because they barely speak english so i wish i could tell them how GREATFUL i am that they're letting us stay here and feeding us, but all i can say is "vielendank." (many thanks.) doesn't exactly get that memo across! they have had tons of people stay with them though, so i mean this isn't a new thing for them. hah one thing i definitely want to remember. so they had a pretty traditional german dinner as it seems, potatoes, wurst and they ate SO fast. they served us and then ate themselves and really ate it quick. hah i was next to finish and joslin wasn't really anywhere near close yet. she just started trying to PICK UP THE PACE and it sure took her a bit, but i could tell she felt awkward because everyone was just waiting for her. there wasn't really alot of conversation going on, with the language barrier and all. anyways jos and i sure laughed about that later.

we took an hour or so nap after because we were soo tired from the flight and jet lag and such. afterwards sister beer had mentioned that we go on a walk around hermsdorf, our town, and so we did! she came with us this time and showed us where some main things are, we are so lucky to be right RIGHT next to an Sbahn stop and a small grocery store. almost all of my other friends have to either take a bus or walk 10-15 minutes to a trainstation! it seriously takes us like 2 minutes to walk there. what luck.

the town is so beautiful. it has some small stores on either side of the street and when you veere off the main road it has the housing and the houses are all beautiful. there are trees all along the street, many of them with white or pink flowers on them. it was a beautiful day so we spent alot of time outside just walking.

when we got back we didn't do much, we were sort of in a pickle since it was only 7:00 germany time but we were all turned around because it was 11:00am US time...our bodies were a bit confused. we forced ourselves to stay up until 11:00pm and then "hit the hay" as our dad always says and went to bed so we wouldn't be tired for church the next day.

1 comment:

monica said...

you do know that 'grateful' is spelt 'grateful' not 'greatful' right?

also, you should switch your comment box to be a pop up since your posts are always so long its easier to comment.

great that you live soooo close to the train. that would be sooo wonderful.