Saturday, April 3, 2010

so we leave in less than a month

can you believe it?! i can't believe we're leaving so soon.
really exciting, but also sort of scary!
foreign counrty! different language!

just to explain a little more about our trip:
we will start classes on the 2nd of may and have them through the beginning of july. our classes will be with people from many other countries, the goethe institute, where we are studying, is a world renowned german institute and so many people come their to learn german. we will be divided up based on our german speaking skills so we may not be in classes with any other people from BYU who we come with. we will have class every day from 8:00 -12:00 and then after that we are free to explore the city/do homework etc.

after the beginning of july our class is going on a tour around germany where we will be able to see other german cities. some of the cities we are going to will be: Dresden, Leipzig, Wolfsburg, and about 8 others. great right!!

after our class is done with the tour, my parents will meet us in berlin and then all four of us are going to go down to munich, where my dad served his mission, to stay down there for a little over a week.

YAY okay i remembered how exciting it will be after typing all of this.

1 comment:

joslin said...

hey Kait, good post. :) I can't wait until Germany!!!! Yayy!