Sunday, January 31, 2010

ah mench!

so we went to apply for our passports yersterday. it's been on our to-do list for weeks so we figured it was about time we got it done. we had this form all filled out and had our social security card with us and thought we were ready (well to be honest we didn't know what we were doing and we were just trying to act like adults and like we were pros at this. ya we apply for passports all the time).

turns out that you need a birth certificate to apply. who knew?! well i guess alot of people did, but they didn't tell us! so noww we have to wait for our mom to send it (thanks mom) and then we can try that again. solid effort though!

next on the to-do list: buy a plane ticket.

and i'll leave you with a little german saying: bis bald!
english translation: bye for now!

*ps. mench means something like "dang it" or "oh man" so you'll see that one alot. you should use it too! its a great one!

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