Tuesday, June 22, 2010

milan was the worst trip ever.

tricked ya!

it was incredible.
whenever we told people we were going to milan they would say "of all the cities in italy, WHY milan!" well those people just didn't know what they were missing out on.
we had the most incredible time.
we were there for two and a half days and managed to eat 5 of the best italian meals i could have imagined. 7 dishes of gelato. and 2 macdonalds breakfasts. healthy right?

i'll post more on the trip SOON.
just wanted to say hi. we're back.

ps. classes end tomorrow! what is this world coming to!! then we leave on a tour with our class on monday. wahoooo. but sad that i'm leaving all of these people forever!? ahh.
pss. did i already announce that my parents for real bought their tickets and they are flying in to BERLIN on the 8th of July??! they're staying for 10 days, i can't wait.

k bye.

1 comment:

Teri said...

What a cool thing you girls are doing. Enjoy! Aunt Teri