Thursday, June 10, 2010

i don't even know where to start.

we just have too many pictures. it's a real problem. i just got all of the pictures from our other friends who came. well not ALL the pictures, but many, and now i'm just overwhelmed. i'm just gonna jump on it. wish me luck. or wish yourselves luck? you are, afterall, the one reading.

we took a BOAT tour! okay at first you might think "whoops those poor girls got conned into doing one of those dumb expensive touristy things." but it wasn't dumb. orr expensive. for a mere $12.50 a 60 minute boat trip while this funny guy spoke to us about prague...history of the city etc. he was a crack up. also our choice of beer or lemonade (lemonade turned out to be sprite. lemonade isn't really real here) AND an ice cream treat! what a bargainn. and since the weather was seriously incredible this whole trip it was an extra bonus.

on this statue there are 2 different gold parts that you can touch and have different meanings. the one on the left that i'm touching symbolizes loyalty, so it means that i'll come back to prague. the one that joslin is touching is luck, so she'll have good luck! if you touch both then neither one will work...nice try guys...

no big deal just jurassic park.

see that blue sky?
we seriously had the best weather this trip, we could NOT get enough of it.
it wasn't even like CRAZY hot, definitely warm (especially when we hiked a mountain to get to that castle) but not as dying of heat as we have here right now.

see that castle? 
it is seriously gorgeous.
largest castle in europe.
we got to go's a beauty.

i just really wanted to get up there with mike!
we wanted some matching toms pictures.

that was the view from the ledge i climbed gorgeous.

hah couldn't get down at first so mustache mike had to help.
thanks mike.

saw Franz Kafka's house...nbd.

there is this bridge where people lock these padlocks when they are in love and then TOSS the key over the bridge into the river. symbolizing eternal love and happiness. cute right?

john lennon wall.
apparently the people of czech just really liked john lennon but he never actually made it to their city. shame. so they had a whole wall dedicated to it's more of a graffiti nonetheless.

haha i honestly was just trying to take a picture of that funny museum title and didn't realize the irony of the scary men standing below them also included in the photo.
good one.

honestly the best crepes that we've had yet were here at this crepe stand.
a. the way that she folded them was better...made them last longer.
b. more schokolade.
c. i got CINNAMON sugar chocolate. right?!?!
d. wow i want one right now.

one night there was a fun concert in this main square for free that had dances and music from countries all over the world! it lasted a long time, so long in fact that we had to leave because we were tired of it. it was great! these guys from africa were our favorite. and i mean the whole time we were like is this for real? are we really sitting by these beautiful old churches, in prague, with friends, listening to music? it was real.

well that's all for now folks...i think there are a few other pictures that i will find along the way so i'll just do sporadic posts with those ones when i discover them!!


Annalise said...

I'm loving this blog! I went to Prague in 2005 and it RAINED THE WHOLE TIME. It was August and I had only packed a hoodie, which was stupid. I froze. Prague was amazing, but I'm very jealous of your sunny pictures! Looks like you're having a great time.

Rebecca Pierce said...

So fun reading all your adventures. I didn't knwo about this blog until today, but I just read and read. Thanks for sharing! You are both adorable and what a great experience!