Sunday, May 23, 2010

sunny luebeck

okay i lied, it wasn't sunny. we keep hoping that one of these day trips that we make is going to be sunny. katie creates intricate little drawings saying: "sunny [insert city name here]"...we wear shorts and skirts in hopes that it will be sunny, but all of this to no avail. tomorrow we go to potsdam and the little weather picture isn't just a sun with rain, it's a gray sky with a sun and rain. so...we'll see how that goes.

so we went to luebeck. dr. kelling really wanted us to go to this town, he told us all about how beautiful it was, and he was right about that! this city very nothern germany and had alot of old churches. the problem was that i kept getting confused about which church was which and if we had already been there or WHAT. so. i don't have names of the churches. only pictures for your viewing pleasure!!

well. ready go.

well i seriously don't know what it is about these dang yellow fields but they are everywhere apparently. the train rides are so beautiful because of them. the whole ride nick kept making fun of katie because she kept saying over and over again "i just can't even believe how beautiful this is," but seriously. it was so beautiful. just fields of green and YELLOW. and windmills. and farms. so the train ride was great. although it was three hours long. so that was a little bit less than ideal. but i just observed the scenery and listened to the mixes that my sisters and mccall made for me before i left.

we're here.

first castle.
i believe this used to be the entrance to the city.
but don't quote me on that.
dr. kelling was talking SO fast and then just kept running from place to place, we were always the last of the group, nearly got lost a few times.

sure do love those european alley ways.
[don't really know what's european about it? but in my head it really is. so...]

kait, katie, jos

just barely learned why all of those old buildings have that fabulous teal color on them.
and why the statue of liberty is that same blue-ish teal color.
it used to be copper! and this is the color that copper turns when it's older.
who KNEW.
did anyone else not know that??

i love the contrast of the busy city/bus with the old church.

dr. kelling was taking us through all sorts of backways trying to get us to the river, and i'm pretty sure we were in some people's back yards at some point.
people of luebeck: thanks for sharing your backyards with us.

do you feel like this is a "journey of the toms shoes" blog?
well it sort of is.
not really but i mean i just wanted to show that it was partially raining.
it was doing this super annoying misty rain.
the kind where you feel dumb pulling out your umbrella because there are hardly any actual drops but it is absolutely necessary because you are getting real wet anyways.

i was reminded how i will never drink when this guy made a complete fool of himself in the streets and simulaneously looked like he was going to fall over and pass out. and his friends laughed. cool?
but i did see some cool bottle caps in that huge pile that they dumped on the streets which i naturally picked up for my scrapbook...thanks dumb drunk people. appreciated your contribution.

LAST photo. kendra and i doing our hausaufgabe! we're in the same class so we took advantage of the 3 hour train ride and accomplished something. we sure did have alot of homework! like seriously alot. 7 pages. some other people in our group had 0. cool real cool. the good thing is i feel like most of them were mostly helpful so that's good. those dang genders of words GOT US EVERY TIME. we'll need to practice that.

*note. the dictionary i am using is the same one meiner vater used on his mission! cute huh.

overall consensus was that we loved luebeck. joslin and i may have found ourselves in another H&M while we were there...[this may or may not be the 5th H&M we've gone to this trip...nbd] and we purchased some good things. i mean THEY HAVE GOOD THINGS THERE. and another favorite anyone heard of it? i guess they have a few in the US and according to my good friend amy...they have some in tokyo too. anyways. another great place.

after the trip we went over to katie's house to make yet another delicious dinner. we have been doing pretty great at making dinners rather than eating out every night [to both save money and not feel like we're eating crap food every day.] katie makes the yummiest salads and so joslin i are hooked. after dinner we went home and were able to go to bed relatively early before sunday!

another good day in deutschland.

1 comment:

tori said...

to answer your question, i did know about the copper turning that gorgeous color deal. cool, right?

and yes, the contrast in that picture is great (the city buses and the old church). good job.

european buildings are so colorful and beautiful.

you should send your toms shoes travel log into toms. write up some cool story and they would probably post it on their blog. just sayin.

and yes, it is VERY cute that you are using the same dictionary as your dad. i know, don't be impressed that i can read german. it's fine.

l-o-v-e h&m.