Wednesday, May 26, 2010

sorry folks, we're heading to prague tomorrow and sure haven't had time for an update.

we've been busy with:
seeing fredrich the great's palaces in potsdam
eating meter pizzas (literally. it's a meter in diameter)
going to museums
having sunny days which makes me happy inside
eating lots of chocolate. we'll be experts by the time the trip is over.

have a lovely weekend!
lots of pictures coming when we return!


bekah said...

Prague is amazing! have fun!

tori said...

first of all, thanks for the email. loved it. you'll be up and running tomorrow. i'm stoked.

second, i, too, love the sun and wish i could enjoy it as you have been.

and third... say hi to prague for me and please bring me back a rock or something. it would be nice to have a piece of italy. thanks.

Alison Waldrom said...

hi, i miss yous.